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Sonya defendió con éxito su título en el concurso anual de comer Hot Dogs organizado en New York este miércoles 4 de julio, imponiendo un nuevo récord después de ingerir 45 salchichas. Sonya pesa alrededor de 100 libras.

[Updated at 12:56 p.m. ET] Joey "Jaws" Chestnut has successfully defended his title at Nathan's annual hot eating competition in Brooklyn, New York, tying his world record by downing 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes.His victory Wednesday marks his 6th win at the competition.

[Posted at 11:58 a.m. ET] Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas defended her title at the annual hot dog eating competition in New York on Wednesday, setting a women's world record by downing 45 hot dogs. Thomas weighs about 100 pounds.

Thomas was seeking to hold on to her title: a record 41 hot dogs and buns.

"My technique is, I dunk two hot dogs in the water cup and then eat," she said.

The contest started nearly 100 years ago as a sideshow on the famous boardwalk at Coney Island. All that changed when Nathan's Famous Restaurant saw the draw it had for the boardwalk and especially the eatery.

Up until last year, men and women held contests together. They now have separate divisions.

Epyon, 12 years ago
Masiosare le ganaria facilmente
Masiosare, 12 years ago
Aunque si fuera de tacos de pastor, facso gana de calle.